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(clr) '14 A true Rock Star who will be missed. |
Yesterday marked one week that a friend and colleague died, Sunday morning, July 20th. I wrote a series of haiku/senryû, last week with the vivid image of Bruno when I last saw him mid May of this year. He had been battling pancreatic cancer for well over a year at that time and still accepted that I visit him and he posed for a book that was being compiled to give to another colleague who is battling breast cancer. Bruno believed in thinking positive at ALL times. He believed in the fight and never gave up, nor did he stop encouraging our friend who is still under treatment and we KNOW she will rise above this insidious disease. She is the loving and most generous person (much like Bruno) who phoned me to give me the sad news that our friend had passed. I feel so blessed to have heard from you, Leslie, you have no idea how much it meant to me.
Here is the series I wrote the day I
learned of his passing...
Care Bear Hugs
I’ll miss that smile
soothing presence like balm
Care Bear hugs.
those innuendos
making me feel young and sexy
twinkle in your {lie} eye
they’ll all split their wings
you’ll have them laughing so hard
angels in heaven
(c) Cheryl-Lynn 2014-07-21 (aka Tournesol)
Today it is raining. It is grey and my mood is morose. I called in sick today as my body would not
respond and seemed to be listening to my soul...I feel as if I am 99 today...a
time to rest. In the shower I weep tears
of grief and let the water wash them away.
I have written in another post how I asked, “Why not take me? I am
older, my family is raised, even my grandson is older than Bruno’s son. Why not
take me?” The world is a mystery and the
Great Spirit acts in mysterious ways.
What do I know? Who am I in this vast sea of souls? But I do know that
Bruno was a mind, heart, soul and body of pure essence filled with compassion
and love. Anyone who has had the chance
to meet him even if briefly, is blessed having been touched by an angel.
Reading Bruno’s orbituary in the Montreal Gazette, minutes
ago, here at Second Cup, I am sad and yet could not help but smile when I read
that his blood type was B Positive! Of
course, what else could it have been? This reading along with Chèvrefeuille's prompt
on writing with the theme “A departed Soul”, has stirred up the following lines...
Departed Soul
dawn smiled
clouds made way
an angel
an angel
soars over sad hearts
begging for smiles
begging for smiles
his loud roar thundered
B positive
B positive
his lifetime message
(c) Tournesol '14-07-28
This was a difficult prompt for me as I think of Shiki dying so young and his generous heart and passion for writing, found some energy to write his last haiku, truly touched me.
sponge gourd has bloomed
choked by phlegm
a departed soul
© Masaoka Shiki
choked by phlegm
a departed soul
© Masaoka Shiki
One of Shiki’s desciple, Hekigoto, was by his bedside when he died. He wrote this...
from a bathing tub
I throw water into the lake -
slight muddiness appears
© Hekigoto
I throw water into the lake -
slight muddiness appears
© Hekigoto
Hekigoto started the New Trend Haiku Movement. He experimented with disregarding the seventeen syllable pattern.
far fireworks
sounding, otherwise
not a thing
sounding, otherwise
not a thing
© Hekigoto
And this prompt created and hosted by Chèvrefeuille has contributed this:
morning dew
evaporates in the early sunlight -
spirit climbs to the sky
© Chèvrefeuille
Submitted for CPHK #527 - Shiki - A Departed Soul
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