

Summer jog (haibun) C.D.H.K. #523, Basho (5) "How Rare"

I rarely have the opportunity or privilege (I should really say) of dining with a colleague from work.  Since we work on a 24 hour crisis line, our breaks are never together.  Yesterday by chance, it was.  I introduced my friend to my favourite vegan restaurant, The Green Panther. I have written about this place before and even taken photos with my notebook next to my plate of yummy falafel.
My friend was telling me about how she had gone out for a run the other day and came back with bites on her legs and it swelled tremendously within a short time.  The next day when the swelling went down, she noticed 4 little stingers all in a row by a very hungry wasp.

After reading Chevrefeuille ‘s lovely introduction to Carpe Diem’s prompt today #523 Basho (5), ''How Rare!'', I thought of my friend’s running incident.

I also enjoyed the background of Kristjaan’s blog name.  Honeysuckle was his seasonword chosen in his very first verse 25 years ago.  Translated into French that would be Chevrefeuille and the rest is history.

That inspired me to choose a title for my Blogspot blog. I had originally chosen le jardin de Cher and then I thought about flowers that I love. Daisies are my favourite because they are also easy to purchase any time of year. But I have always loved sunflowers. I remember the giant sunflowers that grew next to our garden shed at our family home when my children were little. Golly!! They were ginormous! And so with jardin still as the theme of my “short form poetry” blog, I chose Tournesol dans un jardin…so Tournesol will be my nom de plume on that blog.  Merci, Kristjaan, for the inspiration!

{ Basho was host of a renga party at the home of Nagayama Shigeyuki, a military man of the Shonai Clan. This was the greeting verse and it was used as 'hokku' for the renga.     He had visited Mount Hagura for seven days and was glad that he could finally eat fresh vegetables. It was published in his 'Narrow Road to the Deep North', his most well known haibun. © Chevrefeuille }
mezurashi ya   yama wo ide ha no   natsu nasubi
how rare!
on leaving the mountain
the first eggplant
and Chevrefeuille's offering:
the sweet perfume
of the Honeysuckle
makes me drowsy
Now for my humble haiku with the image of my friend in mind travelling running.

cool spray mist
dreamlike beachy feel
city park
smell of fresh-cut grass
running through parc la Fontaine
a wasp stings
©  Tournesol '14/07/24
Submitted for: Carpe Diem Haiku Kai, # 523 Basho (5) "How Rare"


1 comment:

  1. Just the other day I was thinking of starting a new Wordpress blog and also posting haiku there. To make it easier for WP and B. I guess then I would have to put two links in at Kristjaan's posts? I already have several WP blogs why not one more...???

    As for haiku - you might enjoy this fancy pen work playing with puns: at my long verse venture :)

    Cheers, Jules


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