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© Clr 2014 |
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© Clr 2014 |
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© Clr 2014 |
burst of colours, spice
this season with pizzazz,
friends and family
is a time to host family and friends and share a warm meal together. Eating ( one of my
favourite things) is a social event. The preparations are labours of love: setting
the table all nice and just right...setting up games and areas for
grandchildren to play and maybe offering Halloween loot bag for the
kids. Could not wait to have them take away those goodies cos I have been sampling
them all week.
I am
grateful for many things in my life. I grew up in a family who loved me and never hesitated to show me or tell me. My grandmother, mother, Aunt Mae and Uncle
Fred who love me like their daughter, my cousin and his wife who hold me in
their hearts more like a sister and their son who makes me feel so special; my
son who is turning into a guardian of sorts…looking out for his ol`mom as well
as well as my daughter who "gets it". I am grateful for my grandson who came into our
lives ten years ago and as of yesterday, I have been blessed with two more
grandsons and a great son-in-law.
I am so
blessed with amazing friends near and far but no matter the distance or quantity of time we are together, I never question their love.
I am also thankful
for still having my health to work in a career that fulfills me spiritually,
intellectually and emotionally. I feel privileged to be there for many youths
who struggle with life and embrace the fact that they trust me and our service
to reach out as they do.
I am
grateful I met the most compassionate woman through a caring family...a son/poet/blogger
who inspired me to write, his mother/blogger/psychotherapist, who facilitated
my first retreat with Amma. There are many paths to get to inspirational and spiritual destinations...indeed!
grateful for my lovely Bette who fits in so beautifully in my life. It`s as if
we are kindred spirits...my BFF (best feline friend).
I am
forever thankful to have discovered blogging...writing is wonderful but alone
it is not as enriching or inspiring as in a community of amazing people who
have embraced me and taught me...and still teach me each day, at WordPress.
© Cheryl-Lynn 2014/10/13
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