

spirits rest (haiga)

From a Dictionary of Haiku by Jane Reichhold here are are some of Jane's haiku on this theme:
sleeping peacefully
the Best Western Motel
by the cemetery

grave marker
as a cradle headboard
rest in peace
abandoned cemetery
iron keys cross the ground
no one going in

I have chosen mostly photos from Notre Dame des Neiges Cemetery in Montréal, where there is a huge family tombstone on a plot,  my great-grandfather O'Donnell had purchased.  My aunt told me that he had allowed several friends who could not afford a plot to be buried here. My grandparents and my father are here. 
Notre Dame des Neiges Montréal, Qc.
dansant toute la nuit
auberge des biens heureux
Grand-papa rigole  
pierre familiale
crie les noms de les ancêtres  
hommage sacré   
plus d’un siècle d’irlandais
jig au violon des séraphins
family tomb
cries the names of ancestors
sacred homage
a century of Irish folks
jig to the seraphim’s strings
© Tournesol 2014

veiled in weeds and dandelions
spirits moan

© Tournesol 2014


Notre Dame des Neiges Cemetery Montréal, Qc.



spirits gather
soon it will be Hallow’s Eve
fox lookout
© Tournesol 2014
Posted by Cheryl-Lynn Roberts, 2014/09/07
Tournesol dans un Jardin


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