

a different bliss (haiga)

© C.L.R. Hungry in the Park

summer dining,
waiting patiently to feast
on their wastes.

© C.L.R. Midsummer Blues fest
a beggar I’m not,
welcome to my concert hall
midsummer blues

© C.L.R. My sun room `14
summer bliss
sleeping under moonbeams
beggar’s sunroof

© Tournesol '14

Posted by Cheryl-Lynn Roberts 2014/08/24


  1. Beggars often think there is limited hope which does not extend to them.
    And yet some are quite happy with their lot and the freedom they have.

    I was using 'grave' also as an emotion. I have no tome stones in my yard. Maybe a few buried goldfish... to help the children when they were younger.

    But oh, the joy to see your relatives in the faces of the newest generations :)

    1. Your comments always add a new flavour to my thinking. Thanks so much for your comments. Oh the joy to see the personalities of grandchildren and see glimpses of our relatives too:)

  2. Very sensitive haiku.Right on target with the theme and a sadness,,,

    1. Sometimes I feel those who have very little appreciate life so much more...we tend to take things for granted too many times.

  3. So much easier being a beggar in summer.. a hard life for them otherwise.

    1. Oh indeed! That is why in warmer climates there appears to be more. Winters are harsh here but at least our subways are nice and warm and many homeless people sleep there until midnight at least to get some warm rest. But oh how shocked I was to see so many homeless in rich San Francisco of course the climate is better ...

  4. Enjoyed your haiku/senryu series very much. I could only see the first photo though but the imagery of your words compensated well!

    1. Hmm wonder why you can't see the photos, they still show up here. I will try to repost them and see if that works. Glad you enjoyed it. I see this every day and this prompt was welcomed.


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