

False hope (shadorma/senryû)

When I saw this photo taken by Georgia at Basket and Sekhmet's Library, I had to smile.  I had taken a phto of 2 payphones in the Métro last Spring.  The fact that these are near such a lovely green space stirred, ugliness, pleasure and pain and this is what my muse came up with for
© Gsk - Old Friends
Assaults lurk
in the dead of night
behind trees
far from phones
cyclists never heard her screams
would have dialed for help.
predators always
study their territory
and their prey. 
Phones by parks
gives false illusions
of safety
late at night
listen up! one`s never safe
when monsters still breathe.
© Tournesol '14
Now to make this fun a little and give me more of a challenge, I am adding my photos of these phones in the Métro. Having looked at them, my muse seems fixated on sad affairs.
© Clr '14
unused phones
ever see someone
use a phone?
subways are sometimes seedy
all's in the open
people make believe
blind to sordid actions
“I ain’t seen nothin’”

unless there`s
a Samaritan
does good deeds,
calls for help,
shouts out loud scaring monsters
back into their hole.


Wherever you go, bring
along a
© Tournesol '14
Posted by Cheryl-Lynn Roberts, 2014/08/18


  1. Loved the different approaches ... each story is interesting :-)

  2. Thank you, Amrit, for your comments and taking the time to read my post. I`m pleased you enjoyed both approaches:) Cheryl-Lynn

  3. An interesting take on the photos ... and so true. Even when one sees a phone near by that dosen't mean your safe.

  4. Thank you, Georgia. Yes, it is a false sense of safety today and yet, it used to be such an anchor for newcomers in a big kids used payphones as teens often to ask for a lift at the last minute...dialing 0 and I paying the extra .75cents ...not anymore.I often ask youths who call when creating a safety plan if there is a corner store or gas station nearby with a payphone...many times they say, the phone is inside so not accessible in the night:(


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