

river critters (Carpe Diem Tackle it Tuesday)


I used to love spending time at my GrandMaman`s house who lived by the river. I would spend mornings and afternoons on the dock, lying on my tummy watching the minnows swirling in circles and catfish jumping up now and then. I could never eat a catfish because they were like friends...pets to me. And the minnows would tickle my hand in the water and my ankles if I dared put my feet in the water. I say dare, because we were not allowed to venture in the water without an adult. I don`t ever remember disobeying that rule either. When I think of the freedom we had then that most children don`t have today, I was pretty lucky to spend all that time alone with these little critters.

lying on the dock

absorbed by swirling minnows

catfish splashes

(c) Tournesol
Posted by Cheryl-Lynn Roberts, `14/08/17


  1. What a wonderful story Cheryl Lynn ... sweet memories caught in a nice haiku. Thank you for sharing.

    Chėvrefeuille (a.k.a. Basho2012)

    1. Thank you, I`m glad you enjoyed it.

  2. This is a great story Cher ... I can see you on your tummy watching the fish! Loved the ending haiku!

    1. Glad you enjoyed it.The catfish would often startle me splashing.


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