

Tears of joy (haibun)

+Our host at  Haiku Shuukan  has given us another interesting prompt.  At "Sand and Foam" by Khalil Gibran,  there is a verse about “tears”:  [...] "There must be something strangely sacred in salt. It is in our tears and in the sea". [..   And the prompt this week is "Tears".

Here are two haiku, Chèvrefeuille, our host has written on tears.

with tears in my eyes
I see how the wind is ruining
fragile beauty

fragile beauty
a gust of wind tears apart
Cherry Blossoms

© Chèvrefeuille (2013)

I am easily brought to tears when I am sad as much as when I am happy or exposed to exquisite beauty. I cry when I am emotionally touched like when my children were born, when I assisted to the birth of our grandson, and when I was hugged by Amma at a retreat in July; I cry when I have to say goodbye or when I meet family or friends after a time we`ve been apart. So many reasons. I have blue eyes and just walking outside if it is sunny or a bit windy, if it is cold like in winter, my eyes just tear up.   My children used to watch  me whenever a movie got to a sad part to see when I would cry; I even cry at there you have it, I am a cry baby still at my age:)  The most fun tears are those of joy and laughter, laughing until my tummy muscles hurt.

© C.L.R. June 1, 2014
oceans filled with tales
joys, pain and suffering, spark
salty tears
tears of joy
finally after seven years
our son is born.
our daughter sings
with her angelic peers
awe illicit tears
fragile blue eyes
shy away from blaring sun
tears in the wind.
as the sun sets
on the water
© Tournesol '14
Posted by Cheryl-Lynn Roberts, 2014/08/31




  1. So many things tears do for us besides help to keep our eyes clean.

    There was a time before things got better, when a 'good cry' over life circumstances, one thought there would be no more tears. Some say there just are no tears left. And then the scales somehow balance and then tip again, but the tears of joy and laughter are as welcome as every dew drop of morning. :)


    1. You know, I have heard that too and some have shared they just cannot cry anymore...the well is dry. Well, not I but yes, the tears of joy and laughter so welcome.

  2. Don't feel bad -- I cry at commercials too. And refuse to watch sad movies anymore - the tears just don't stop!

    So many wonderful and painful aspects to tears here -- a lovely post, so truthful.

    1. Thanks, Jen. Glad to know you can relate to easy tears, and thanks for your kind words :)

  3. Marvelous series of haiku on tears Cheryl Lynn

    1. Thank you, Kristjaan, I enjoyed writing this series.


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