

eviction (senryû)

nature’s landlord
kicks tenant out in the cold
a beggar

thankless season
beggar’s lodgings
Berri Métro

saison ingrate
logement d’un sans abri
métro Berri

© Tournesol

Donnez au suivant - les sans abris
Give to others - homelessness

Posted by Cheryl-Lynn Roberts 2014/08/30

Submitted for Carpe Diem #550 Beggar


  1. It would be wonderful if more people would give to the homeless and the needy like this --- we think of the homeless as dirty and lazy and somehow less human. A wonderful video you've shared -- and accompanied by your senryu I am very touched. Brava --

    1. Thanks so much, Jen. I went into more of a narrative on my other blog but really wanted to share that video. What amazing youths!

  2. I think because my car doesn't look pretty... to many dents I received an anonymous gift card in the grocery parking lot. There were options I considered, but in the end I left it on another car in a different lot...

    Our local high schools have several programs that raise funds for local shelters. One year our eldest was in the show. Youth can be wonderful. Once they get out of the 'gimmie' stage.

    1. What a great programme for high schools to be more aware of the sad realities ...I find young people in general are nice and caring. I remember my son when he went to McGill did not have much money so he chose one regular homeless person he saw often with his dog and gave to him. you do what you can. it's okay to look a person in the eye and say you are sorry if you don't have any money...ignoring them hurts.

  3. look into the mirror
    and see the face of a beggar
    in the metro.

    You are a wonder! So much empathy. :-)

    1. Oh I love your haiku, Georgia,
      rush hour
      travellers pushing and shoving
      a beggar sleeps


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